Club Accounts are a great way to guarantee you’ll have the money you want, when you need it. To get the most out of your club accounts, be sure to give yourself enough time to save. Most members start saving about a year in advance.
No minimum opening deposit amount
No monthly service charge
You choose the amount you want to save each week
Withdraw your money at anytime
Christmas Club Accounts offer one free withdraw throughout the year, after that there will be a $5.00 fee.
Accounts are federally insured
The No Excuses Way To Save
The most convenient way to save is to use Direct Deposit and it’s a free credit union service. Simply designate the amount you want to save and from which account. For example, if you deposit your paycheck in your checking account, you can have the amount you set automatically transferred to one or more club or other savings accounts. It’s the no excuses way to save!